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July 9, 2011

Healing Perceptions in the Body with Regression Hypnotherapy

All animals experience biological conflicts, including humans. The perception of threat impacts the part of the brain that controls the organ associated with appropriate action. So some of these conflicts are relatively easy to interpret. 

The first tissue to form in the fetus is called the alimentary canal which runs along the spine from mouth to rectum. Nearly all of this tissue is controlled by the oldest part of the brain, the brainstem, a.k.a. reptilian brain. This part of the brain controls the entire gastrointestinal tract as well as all its derivatives (lungs, liver, pancreas, uterus, prostate, kidney collecting tubules, salivary glands of the mouth, etc.)

Dr. Hamer, of German New Medicine, states that, “the origin of disease is a life experience.” Any perceived threat to survival automatically impacts the brain. And the nature of the perception determines which area of the brain will be affected. The area of the brain impacted then determines which organ in the body will develop symptoms.

The body is genetically programmed to heal itself. Once the threat has been resolved, the body will self-correct. When there is a failure to heal, or symptoms are recurring or cyclical, this is evidence of an unresolved or “hanging conflict.” When an unresolved issue from the past keeps being triggered in present reality, it results in a recurrence of symptoms.

Because humans have developed cognitive abilities we can also experience biological conflicts figuratively. Louise Hay has written extensively on the meaning of symptoms. Dr. Hamer and others are adding science to support such interpretations. For example, when something gets stuck in an animal’s mouth, or the animal cannot acquire or swallow a ‘morsel’ of food, a biological ‘morsel conflict’ occurs. The body generates symptoms. E.g. A patient who thought he had won the lottery only to find out the ticket was incorrectly registered developed a carcinoma of the palate. Resolving the ‘morsel’ conflict reversed the cancer.

Stomach relates to an inability to digest a ‘morsel’. Figuratively, something you just can’t stomach (accept), such as anger toward family members, can still be sitting there in the gut. IBS and Crohn’s disease both relate to an indigestible anger conflict regarding certain people or situations. 

The thing to keep in mind is that the symptoms serve a biological purpose. In the above examples the purpose is to facilitate better absorption of the morsel. If it were actually a morsel of food, once digestion was complete the body would self-correct. The symptoms would have served their purpose and balance would be restored.

When the indigestible morsel exists in perception, however, the digestive system works overtime trying to resolve a psychological conflict!

Food allergies indicate that food was present at the same time as the anger. In fact, the type of allergy will indicate the type of unresolved conflict!

Disease is the body doing what it was designed to do – self-regulate. 

The body knows how to heal itself. This was the principle teaching of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. The body is not running amok. It is responding to a perceived need. And perception is a function of the mind. 

The problem is that the subconscious mind does not make a distinction between ‘real’ and ‘imagined.’ If you’ve ever had a nightmare you know this – the body responds as if what’s happening in the dream was really happening and produces the corresponding symptoms.

We’re genetically programmed to survive by first clamping down in the face of threat. And then once the threat is gone – releasing the initial stress-response. What we are doing with regression hypnotherapy is facilitating the release of those feelings that got trapped inside the body’s energy system. As the internal stress is released, the body will do what it was designed by nature to do – heal. 

If you would like to learn more about The Devil’s Therapy: from Hypnosis to Healing, contact I’ll send you the first three chapters of module 1 (Regression Hypnotherapy Theory) and information about this comprehensive tool kit for regression Hypnotherapists.


Randy Hold said...

Very well explained. I appreciate you connecting much of the scientific work that's being done to what is already taught in Ht school. It helps me formulate better explanations to my clients.
Thank You,
Randy Hold, CCHt

Hypnoseterapeu said...

Hypnoseterapeu plays an important part in attaining life goals.