A holy man is having a conversation with the Creator and asks to know what Heaven and Hell are like. His request is granted and he is led to two doors.
Behind the first door the holy man finds a room with a large round table. In the middle of the table is a large pot of stew which smells so delicious it makes his mouth water.
There are people sitting around the table. The holy man notices that they appear thin and sickly, as if they are starving. Each holds a spoon with a very long handle which is strapped to his or her arm so each could easily reach the pot of stew and take a spoonful.
But because the handle is longer than their arm, they are not able to get the spoon back into their mouth.
The holy man shudders at the sight of such misery and suffering. The Creator says, “This is Hell.”
The holy man is then shown the second door. Inside he finds exactly the same thing – a large round table with a large pot of stew which makes his mouth water. And seated around the table are people with the same long-handled spoons. But here, the people are well-nourished and happy. Here they are laughing and talking.
“This,” says the Creator, “is Heaven.”
The holy man is mystified. “I don’t understand,” he admits.
It is really very simple, the Creator replies.
“There is but one difference. Here, as you can see, they have learned to feed each other. And so doing, each is fulfilled. In that other place they continue to think only of themselves. And so they suffer.”
We rely on each other - uh-huh ...
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