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June 19, 2011

Quantum Leap - Healing with the Mind

I remember a TV program a few years back called "Quantum Leap." It communicated the concepts of quantum physics in very simple terms for the general public.
The story was about a scientist who gets trapped in his own experiment. A blunder into uncontrolled time travel bounces the scientist from one event to another (providing weekly episodes).
The hero’s quest is to find the answer that will allow him to leap home (the season-ender). It takes a while, but eventually the scientist comes to realize that he can't leave the event until he has resolved something (the episode's challenge) 
He's stuck until he can figure out what's calling for healing.
When he has successfully resolved the problem, the course of history is permanently changed for the better.  Only then does the hero leap free of the event. And into another (just in time for next weeks show!)
Our hero is a slow-learner but eventually he figures something out - the Universe is intelligent! (hmmm ... didn't Einstein say that?)
Each episode becomes a mission. By accepting the Will of the Universe and discovering his purpose for being in each event, the scientist hopes that "this one" will be the event that will finally send him home.
Sounds a lot like bouncing around from one SSE to another in search of the ISE, doesn't it?
My training in ISE/SSE theory helped me understand how the subconscious mind can turn a molehill into a mountain. It showed me in very black and white, logical, rational terms how repetition of a theme can reinforce certain misperceptions and fears. And how these can become beliefs.And how beliefs can really mess up (create) your reality.
And it showed me in LINEAR terms. 
The problem is ... time is not linear! As far as the subconscious mind is concerned, it's all still happening NOW!
In Quantum Leap, the viewer was invited to imagine time as a "ball of twine." The hero is leaping from one point of connection to another. So it's all still happening NOW.
Like that ball of twine, the subconscious mind is all balled up. Memory is recorded, and can be accessed, randomly. There are points of connections (through association). And each point of connection holds an information-rich energetic event.
The question on Einstein's mind was, I believe ... What's at the core of that ball of twine?
Quantum Physics tells us that at the core of everything is an energy frequency, a vibrational signature that defines it. Doesn't this sound a lot like the concept of "Source Energy"?
I believe that the energy at the core of each of us is essentially loving. What each of us is seeking is, in one form or another, Love. So it makes sense to me that, as Sondra Ray wrote, "Love brings up everything unlike itself".
 Anything that conflicts with our Core Energy (that which we ARE) is going to generate dissonance. And anything that feels unloving and uncomfortable is going to be perceived as a "problem."
I believe the true goal of regression Hypnotherapy is not to seek out the ISE (though it often helps) but to return the client to the awareness of Love within them. (As Parkhill says, there's really only one ISE - the perception of separation from Source). This is our source of safety, security, well-being, health, harmony, and "good".  In fact, one of the essential components of healing with regression Hypnotherapy is to "find the good."
“To forgive is to find the good.” – Stephen Parkhill
The process of ‘finding the good’ has evolved for me. These days it’s more of a test than an exercise in reframing. When the client can find good in a previously distressing event it tells me that they are finally reconnecting with the Love. The better it feels, the more resonance is occurring. The greater the resonance with Love the deeper the release. And the deeper the release the more complete the healing.
If the client has difficulty finding some good in a past event, it indicates that something is still calling for healing. Something is still unresolved. Sometimes the client just needs a little help to make sense of things so they can finally let go. Often it means more releasing is required to allow Love to flow back into them fully.
“Love is all you need.” – The Beatles
Healing is always about finding the Love. Which brings me to the flu epidemic .....
During the dark ages it was believed that illness was caused by "evil spirits." The job of the physician was to "exorcise the demons". They used the modern techniques of their time, for example, blood-letting.
Modern medicine still believes in evil spirits - they're called bacteria and viruses. Don't get me wrong! Medicine 'rocks' when it comes to acute care! If I'm busted up up from a car accident, I want surgery, pain meds and antibiotics. And the sooner, the better!
But when it comes to disease (dis-ease) that's a whole ‘nuther thing. Medicine just doesn't have a great track record dealing with chronic conditions. (including viral)
The cause of any dis-ease is what determines the cure. The perceived "cause", however, depends on what lens you're looking through. If you're a pharmacologist, you see a drug deficiency. If you're a surgeon, the solution lies in cutting. If you're a psychiatrist, the brain chemistry is running amok.
But regardless ... whether you're a neurologist ... or a naturopath ... or a Hypnotherapist ... it all boils down to carpentry. If all you've got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
A Course in Miracles suggests that any means a person chooses can facilitate healing. That's because the means is not the cause of the healing. Some people are 'cured' with chemotherapy - not by. Some people are 'cured' with Hypnotherapy - not by. The operative word is "with." One should not underestimate the power of free will!
A Course in Miracles is a course in spiritual psychotherapy that provides a lot of useful guidelines for healing with the Mind. Stephen Parkhill, author of Answer Cancer, recommended that his students read the 50 Principles of Miracles at the beginning of the text.
One thing the Course states is that "healing is certain." It also states that when healing is seen as a threat, it will always stand aside.
How about that! Regardless of what methods are employed, without the client's acceptance of the healing there will be no change. That's why no one pill works for everybody. It's also why we require the clients consent to proceed each step of the way. 
No matter how great your technique – you can’t make a person heal! No one can.
I view what we do as sacred work. It’s about leading a mind out of darkness and into the light; guiding a person from fear to Love.
Now, I'm not a "churchy" person, but I did enjoy Sunday School as a child. I remember a line from Psalms 23 ... "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me ... "
That sums up regression Hypnotherapy for me! I'm asking the client to let me guide them through their fears (the Valley of Shadows). I'm asking them to not resist feeling the bad feelings (evil). Or, for that matter, the good feelings! I’m asking them to accept the Will of the Universe so they can find some purpose and meaning in those things that happened.
So they can finally be free of the shadows of the past.
Whether an event is the ISE or an SSE, it’s always about the Love. It’s Love that brings up everything unlike itself to be healed. And it’s Love that lights our way.
Finding strength, meaning, purpose, and wisdom in any event will increase a person’s resourcefulness, confidence, and self-esteem. This alone can transform a person’s life for the better. But reconnecting with the Love will bring them home to their wholeness.
That’s the quantum leap.

Want more? Email me at and I'll send you the first three chapters of The Devil's Therapy: from Hypnosis to Healing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The body is an energy container, subject to energy imbalances, such as stress, anger, fear and depression. The body reacts to these disturbances with physical and emotional pain. An unresolved emotion that is not expressed fully can get stuck in the body tissue. Energy can't flow through that area creating an energy blockage. Energy blockage is simply an emotion left unchecked.

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