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June 5, 2011

Healing the Body

Don’t get me started on the topic of socialized dependency on health care. We have all been socially conditioned to abdicate responsibility for own well-being.
Looks like the Matrix has us!
What this results in is unconscious expectations that the hypnotist be an ‘alternative’ health care provider. That means a provider of ‘magic pills.’ And usually when all others attempts have failed.
Unfortunately, some hypnotists market to this belief. Stage hypnosis reinforces the “power over” perception which can sometimes help, by reinforcing belief in the power of the mind. But it can also hinder the profession by reinforcing the encultured ‘fixology’ mentality.
The truth is – all healing is self-healing.
The power to heal resides with client. Not the healer. That’s what the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, taught his students. The job of the healer is to remove the blocks to the body’s ability to heal.
The block is in the mind. And, according to psychoneuroimmunologist, Candace Pert, the mind is in the body.
A Course in Miracles states that the body cannot make decisions. Only the mind can make decisions. All healing occurs in the mind.
According to German New Medicine (GNM), disease is the result of a life experience. It is a patterned response which reflects a conflict in the mind. GNM calls this a ‘biological conflict.’
The conflict pattern is comprised of a perception, feeling(s), and a decision.
Biologically, it all boils down to the perception of ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe;. The initial feeling associated with negative perception is either comfortable or uncomfortable. Good or bad. Bad results in resistance or constriction. A pulling away from response.
All feeling can be reduced to either expansion or contraction. Relaxed is expansive. Happy is expansive. Loving is expansive. Love – capital L - is expansive. Love is about safeness.
Fear contracts. Anger contracts. Sadness contracts. It pulls one into oneself. In this way we make ourselves energetically smaller in the face of danger. Fear is always about un-safeness.
All negative feelings are rooted in fear. Anger is the defensive expression of fear. It occurs when there is no perceived avenue of escape. No control. No sense of choice. It is not merely a reflection of fairness. It is a reflection of vulnerability and over-stimulation. When the switch flips, anger takes over.
Mice have been shown to attack when over-stimulated. Unable to escape from the cat, they’ll freeze. But when the cat plays with its prey, the mouse will become over-stimulated and turn on the cat.
When the mouse roars it is because helplessness has been over-ridden by anger as self-protection.
Anger is bio-chemically different from fear, but fear precedes anger. It’s the switch.
The decision that follows a feeling is some sort of action. The action may occur at a cellular level. That’s because the first movement is energy. Energy in Motion.
Perception; either safe or unsafe, loving or unloving.
Feeling; either expansion or contraction, comfortable or uncomfortable.
Decision; E-motion. The movement of energy through the body is at a cellular level[i].
The nature of the perceived conflict determines the area of the body that will produce symptoms. The important point is that what goes on in the body serves a purpose. The action occurring at a physical level is always to satisfy a perceived need.
Edgar Cayce said, “Mind is the builder.”
Just as a fight/flight response logically diverts blood flow from digestion to the limbs, inhibits cognitive function to shunt responsibility for responses onto the automatic brain, and adrenaline is produced to provide added strength for action, every part of the body reacts logically to the perception.
So problems at the body level make sense.
Stephen Parkhill said that disease is not the body running amok. It is not the enemy. It is simply an expression of a decision of mind based upon past perceptions  
And perception is the domain of MIND.
Change the perception and the body will heal.

[i] Read Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion.

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