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June 25, 2011

Hypnosis, Healing and Compound Interest

There’s a story about the inventor of the chessboard who reportedly showed the game to the emperor of India. The emperor was so impressed that he told the man, “Name your reward.”
The inventor (who must have been a banker) replied, “Sire, my wishes are very simple. I wish only for this. Give me but one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard, and for all 64 squares double the number of grains as the square before.”
The emperor, surprised that the inventor should ask so little, readily agreed. A week later his treasurer informed him that the sum of grain agreed upon far exceeded that which was produced in the country. In fact, it would take many centuries to meet the sum.
A shift in perception is like a grain of rice. It doesn’t seem like much but, with sufficient reinforcement, it has the potential to transform a life. The world, even.
When Einstein was asked, “What is the most powerful force in the universe?” he replied, "Compound Interest".[i] Why? Look at what happens ….
The first doubling will increase the value to 2 grains. The next doubling will make it 4. The next 8. And so on. 10 doublings will amount to 1,024 grains of rice.
In the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything was revealed to be the number 42. When it comes to money, the magic number in compounding is 72. The time it takes to double your money is equal to 72 over the interest rate.
So if your financial investment is earning 3% it will take 24 year to double it. 72/3 = 24. If your investment is earning 6% it will take 12 years to double. At 10%, only 7.2 years.
At 3% it will take 240 years to get 10 doublings.
At 18% it will take only 4 years to double. And 40 years to get 10 doublings.
What’s this got to do with hypnosis?
Dave Elman discovered that compounding a suggestion increases its effectiveness by reinforcing the power of subsequent suggestions. The result? The time required for a suggestion to take effect is significantly shortened. For example, Elman reduced the time it took to get a client into somnambulism from 8 sessions to a single session. And he showed that it could be done in less than four minutes!
Compounding can also be implemented throughout a session to decrease the time it takes for a person to heal. How? By treating even the smallest change as a victory.
Celebrate the small victories and more will surely follow.
As with finance, it’s all about time and interest. The time required really depends upon the client’s level of ‘interest.’ We call that ‘motivation’. The greater the motivation, the deeper and more rapid the healing.
A Course in Miracles states that “to heal is to make happy.” It has also been said that happiness is a journey, not a destination. 
Healing doesn’t happen all at once. So it makes sense to release the negative feeling, then immediately affirm the positive, better feeling. By validating each and every increment of change, we are virtually doubling the potency of change at a subconscious level of mind! Not only does it become more believable – it becomes much more powerfully believable.
You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative.” – Johnny Mercer & Harold Arlen
If it’s true that the Universe abhors a vacuum then filling the void after each and every release will yield better results.
Law of Attraction suggests that the Universe is qualitative, not quantitative. The idea is that if you can celebrate finding a penny on the street, you’re more likely to attract larger sums. This certainly fits with our understanding of how the subconscious, feeling mind actually works.
What the mind expects tends to be realized.” 
– Gerald Kein
It’s not what we think consciously that decides what we get in life. It’s how we feel that determines our expectations.
“Name your reward,” by using ‘the most powerful force in the universe’ to transform a single grain of positive change into a healing.

The Devil’s Therapy: from Hypnosis to Healing is now available as a 9 module e-book. Contact me to receive the first three chapters.


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