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January 22, 2011

The Hypnosis Code

This morning I was musing over the plethora of books with the word “Code” in the title.

The God Code. The Emotion Code. The Bro Code …

The popular catch-word before the “Code” was “Secret.” There was, of course, THE Secret, followed by the multitudes in its wake.

The Secret Language of Feelings. The Missing Secret. The Secret to the Secret …
Before we had any secrets, the “Matrix” had us.

The Divine Matrix.  Matrix Energetics.  Seemorg Matrix. Even Matrix Mathematics, for gawd-sakes! (Which no doubt was used in engineering the popular series by Toyota.)

Before the Matrix, we had “Power.”

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. (That’s an oldie but a goodie.) Power vs Force …

The “Matrix” has kind of had its day but “Power” and “Secret” are still going strong.  Try putting them together!  The Secret Power of Emotions….  The Secret Powers of Time….  The Secret Powers of the Mind….

How about “The Secret Power Code of the Matrix.”  Now that’s sure to make the best-seller list!

I consider myself a life-long learner.  If it’s a book, it wants me to read it.  In fact, I started my own spiritual/self-help bookstore in the mid 1980′s just so I could feed my habit.  What can I say? I’m a heavy user.

I love books and I’m a voracious reader. When I sink my teeth into a subject that interests me, I chew for all it’s worth. Over a decade ago I sunk my teeth into hypnosis.  

I’m still chewing.

Since my first certification course I have immersed myself in learning everything I can about the secret powers of the mind.  I have traveled to study with some of the top teachers in the field.  And each time I returned home I would set to work dutifully applying in practice what I had learned in class.

Ashleigh Brilliant wrote dryly:  “I may be a slow learner, but I make up for it by being a fast forgetter.”

After the first couple of years I realized I needed a system to guide me while working with clients.  I just couldn’t retain all that information in my wee cranium! 

So I put together a kind of reference manual that I could use in-session to guide me. This ensured that I would stay true to whatever protocol I was following at the time.

I figured the way to get good at hypnotherapy was to do what the really good hypnotherapists did.  I paid good money to learn from them. So I wouldn’t allow myself to get creative with freshly-learned material.  I just took it, typed it out, and applied it as it had been taught.

At first, I immersed myself in Parts Therapy (a.k.a. Ego State or Subpersonality work) primarily because it resonated with what I already knew from years of working with dreams.  I gradually began integrating age regression into my work. This naturally lead me into facilitating emotional healing work.

The more I learned, the more I wanted to share what I had learned. So I started putting together a program that I could share with other CH’s who were struggling on their own, trying to get better results.  

The best way to learn something is to teach it. And the best way to teach something is to tell a story. So I decided upon a favorite of mine. A Grimm’s Fairy Tale – the Devil’s Grimy Brother – as the template for demonstrating the stages of a universal therapeutic process.

And then … I attended an Advanced Training in regression work called 5-PATH.

Following this week-long training my session manual underwent major revisions.  I’m all for making a system your own but I believe you actually need to master a process before you are qualified to mess with it. So I put my nose to the grindstone.

And ‘The Devil’s Therapy’ went on the backburner.

After five more years of study and practice ‘The Devil’s Therapy’ is finally back off the backburner!  This time I’m writing it as a book.

I love books.

And let’s face it - not everyone can spend ten years and tens of thousands of dollars to learn all this stuff. Travel is expensive. A $500 weekend course can quickly add up to $2,000 when you add in travel costs.  A $1,000 week-long training ends up costing $3,000.  Not to mention the week or so of lost revenues - if you’re self-employed.

But anyone can afford to read a book – if they have a mind to.

What is ‘The Devil’s Therapy?’

Basically, stuff I have learned. Methods gleaned over many years of learning.  Methods I use routinely.  Methods for healing the mind-body. All based on a 4-step system of healing that is universal.  

Whether you’ve skinned your knee, suffer panic attacks, or misplaced your soul, these four steps apply. So you always know what to do.

Like I said, they’re universal.

By providing this information I hope to help other CH’s shave down the learning curve, minimize costs and mid-wife themselves into regression hypnosis healers.

And if you have a mind to, just reading this book could help advance the profession – by raising the bar on your own level of knowledge and skill.

As for the devil … Hypnosis has a long history of being associated with the works of the devil.  (And in some parts of the country it still is!)

So I figure - why fight it?

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