Dream Coaching is not only a fun way to make more money. It’s relatively easy to facilitate.
Best of all, it can make you a better hypnotherapist.
First, as a hypnotherapist, you’re already working with dreams. When a client shares his story with you, he is telling you his dream. It’s his perception. Based on his history.
That dream is responsible for his thoughts, feelings and behaviors. His beliefs, values and expectations.
If you want to improve your skills as a hypnotherapist in a really fun way, start working with your own dreams!
You’ll find that, as you become more familiar with the territory of dreams, you’ll be better equipped to guide someone else through the landscape of their subconscious mind.
To work with your dreams you must, of course, first have a dream. And the best place to start is with your night dreams. You’re already dreaming. On average, four or five dreams each and every night – whether you remember them or not.
What’s going on behind the scenes, while your conscious mind sleeps, is your subconscious mind is working feverishly, trying to resolve all the psychological conflicts left over from your day.
The usual suspects include relationship stuff. Work stuff. Money stuff. Health stuff.
As well as all the fears and inadequacies and pissed-ivity that routinely gets shelved so we can function and be civil toward others.
If you want to know what your subconscious mind is working on (and what it thinks is important) pay attention to your dreams!
If you don’t remember your dreams, see my blog in the August archives: 6 Things You Can Do to Encourage and Remember Your Dreams
Everything you already do as a hypnotherapist can be improved through dream working.
Dream interpretation techniques translate the language of the subconscious mind so the conscious mind can understand it. These techniques add strength to your skill at uncovering, amplification, regression, inner child work and dialoguing processes.
As a dream worker you become more naturally therapeutic when addressing Parts, facilitating age regression, discovering ways to resolve an impasse or transforming self-destructive decision-making into life-affirming and empowering choices.
Dream Work is totally flexible, easily lending itself to other healing modalities you might use.
Dream Coaching does not require a formal induction or deepening process. You can conduct a Dream Coaching session in as little as 30 minutes. It’s perfect for Skype or telephone sessions.
Dream Working one-on-one allows you to go deeper to address long-buried emotional conflicts. 60 minute sessions allow you to incorporate releasing techniques. And longer sessions permit regression to cause.
Dreams can act as a back-door into the subconscious mind. There’s none of the usual resistance to facing the past because it’s “just a dream.” Regression often occurs spontaneously.
Finally, dreams provide a barometer for measuring progress with ongoing healing work. Because dreams are a reflection of what the subconscious mind is working on, they show you what is most important to the client’s subconscious.
How much easier would it be to work with the subconscious mind?
To celebrate when it indicates successful resolution? To focus on the next layer it presents for resolution.
When the subconscious mind shows me the “owie” – I take care of it! This is client-centered hypnotherapy. It’s completely organic. And the results can be astounding!
But don’t take my word for it! Read what others have to say …
Join me in May 2012 on Vancouver Island, BC
Dream Working for hypnosis professionals.
- Discover the WHY’s to regression hypnotherapy. (It just makes sense!)
- Become a Dream Coach and Dream Healer.
- Learn how you can make more money by teaching self-hypnosis and dream working classes.
- Have a blast making new friends!
- Discover how much you already DO know!
- And how you can use it to be a better hypnotherapist!
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