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September 30, 2011

Star Trek: Gene Roddenberry’s Genius View of Repressed Emotions

"Beam me up!" - DTI-VI-2012
Recently I was on a hypnosis forum following a thread about working with clients with inhibited memory recall (ie dementia). And it reminded me of the TV series, Star Trek.
Are you a Trekkie? I know I am!
As a child I was glued to the set each week to watch the hunky Captain James T. Kirk boldly go where no man has gone before. (Usually with some buxom Babe.)
The Captain had two trusty side-kicks - Scotty and Spock.
Each week “Scotty,” an anxiety-ridden Scottish engineer, would face another crisis. And each time he would report, “It can’t be done! The dylithium crystals can’t take it!” (Man, could HE use some tapping!)
And there was the pointy-eared Vulcan Chief Science Office, Spock, who generally exuded calm rational reason.
The creator of the Star Trek Series, Gene Roddenberry was a visionary. In the 1960’s he introduced us to space travel!
But Gene’s legacy was not merely an imaginative future pacing experience. It was his wicked use of metaphor. The networks declared that those of us in TV-Land weren’t ready for social commentary, however. And that’s what Star Trek was.
So Gene’s creativity (and gift to us all) was reined in for over 30 years.
It wasn’t until the 1990’s that he was finally free to unleash his genius with Star Trek: Next Generation series and Deep Space 9.
But that’s another story.
In the original Star Trek series starring William Shatner there was a particularly intriguing episode where Spock’s father went through the Vulcan version of male menopause.
Vulcan’s, as you know, are LOGICAL.
It’s not that they don’t have feelings – they just value logic over feeling. (like our culture, perhaps?) 
So over multiple generations Vulcan’s have perfected the art of repressing emotions.
Now, this is important. Their emotions haven’t gone anywhere. They’re just buried deep inside where they won’t interfere with analytical, logical thought processing. (Don’t you just love it?)
 So, from the earliest age, Vulcans are encouraged to “manage” their emotions, thus reinforcing their species superiority. And re-engineering their neural netwiring.
As you might recall, Spock was logically-disadvantaged because he had a human mother. (So WAY too much expression of emotion was modeled during his formative years.) Which raises the old ‘nature versus nurture’ debate ….
Okay, so here’s the storyline as I recall it.
All those repressed feelings inside, that have been denied expression, build up over time. And as the Vulcan male ages, unwanted feelings and emotions start pushing their way up to the surface.
It takes more effort to keep them under control, but that is the Vulcan way.
However, what eventually happens is that the learned strategy for dealing with unwanted emotional material - shoving them back down – no longer works
When the pressure reaches critical mass, the dam breaks. And a tsunami of emotion – both good and bad – overwhelms the poor Vulcan.
As you might imagine, it’s a VERY unpleasant experience!
Think about it. By the 'golden age' what resources has a Vulcan developed with respect to feeling his feelings?
None. Nada. Zippo.
So what happens when a lifetime of repressed, denied, disowned feelings (and the memories associated with them) break through to consciousness?
The Vulcans call it ‘madness’.
They might just be right!
Hope this got your neurons firing!

Beam yourself in for Dream Working for hypnosis professionals.
Coming in May 2012 on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC
 -          Discover the WHY’s to regression hypnotherapy. (It just makes sense!)
-          Learn ways to work with night dreams, day dreams, and THIS dream!
-          Become a Dream Coach and Dream Healer.
-          Learn how being an alien will improve your uncovering results.
-          Learn how you can make more money by facilitating self-hypnosis and dream working classes.
-          Have a blast making new friends!
-          Discover how much you already DO know!
-          And how you can use it to be a better hypnotherapist!

September 24, 2011

Be a Better Hypnotherapist & Make More Money with Dream Coaching

Dream Coaching is not only a fun way to make more money. It’s relatively easy to facilitate. 

Best of all, it can make you a better hypnotherapist.

First, as a hypnotherapist, you’re already working with dreams.  When a client shares his story with you, he is telling you his dream. It’s his perception. Based on his history.
That dream is responsible for his thoughts, feelings and behaviors. His beliefs, values and expectations.

If you want to improve your skills as a hypnotherapist in a really fun way, start working with your own dreams!

You’ll find that, as you become more familiar with the territory of dreams, you’ll be better equipped to guide someone else through the landscape of their subconscious mind.

To work with your dreams you must, of course, first have a dream. And the best place to start is with your night dreams. You’re already dreaming. On average, four or five dreams each and every night – whether you remember them or not.

What’s going on behind the scenes, while your conscious mind sleeps, is your subconscious mind is working feverishly, trying to resolve all the psychological conflicts left over from your day. 

The usual suspects include relationship stuff. Work stuff. Money stuff. Health stuff.  

As well as all the fears and inadequacies and pissed-ivity that routinely gets shelved so we can function and be civil toward others. 

If you want to know what your subconscious mind is working on (and what it thinks is important) pay attention to your dreams!

If you don’t remember your dreams, see my blog in the August archives: 6 Things You Can Do to Encourage and Remember Your Dreams

Everything you already do as a hypnotherapist can be improved through dream working.
Dream interpretation techniques translate the language of the subconscious mind so the conscious mind can understand it. These techniques add strength to your skill at uncovering, amplification, regression, inner child work and dialoguing processes. 

As a dream worker you become more naturally therapeutic when addressing Parts, facilitating age regression, discovering ways to resolve an impasse or transforming self-destructive decision-making into life-affirming and empowering choices. 

Dream Work is totally flexible, easily lending itself to other healing modalities you might use. 

Dream Coaching does not require a formal induction or deepening process. You can conduct a Dream Coaching session in as little as 30 minutes.  It’s perfect for Skype or telephone sessions.

Dream Working one-on-one allows you to go deeper to address long-buried emotional conflicts.  60 minute sessions allow you to incorporate releasing techniques. And longer sessions permit regression to cause.

Dreams can act as a back-door into the subconscious mind. There’s none of the usual resistance to facing the past because it’s “just a dream.” Regression often occurs spontaneously.

Finally, dreams provide a barometer for measuring progress with ongoing healing work. Because dreams are a reflection of what the subconscious mind is working on, they show you what is most important to the client’s subconscious

How much easier would it be to work with the subconscious mind?  

To celebrate when it indicates successful resolution? To focus on the next layer it presents for resolution.

When the subconscious mind shows me the “owie” – I take care of it! This is client-centered hypnotherapy. It’s completely organic. And the results can be astounding!

But don’t take my word for it! Read what others have to say …

Join me in May 2012 on Vancouver Island, BC
Dream Working for hypnosis professionals.
-          Discover the WHY’s to regression hypnotherapy. (It just makes sense!)
-          Become a Dream Coach and Dream Healer.
-          Learn how you can make more money by teaching self-hypnosis and dream working classes.
-          Have a blast making new friends!
-          Discover how much you already DO know!
-          And how you can use it to be a better hypnotherapist!

September 18, 2011

Hypnotherapy is Dream Work

I recently had something of an epiphany … 
As you may know, I have been working with dreams for about 25 years. I have taught others how they can use the same techniques I use to decipher dreams. If you’re one of my students, you know how amazing it feels when you tap into the meaning of your own dreams. The ‘aha!’ moment is incredible, isn’t it?

Some may say I’m a dreamer … but I’m not the only one.” – John Lennon

This is what I love! When a person gets the big “AHA!” it just makes my day! Because I KNOW they’ve found their own answer! The next step is then clear. And that changes everything!

Our dreams are there to help and guide us. 
And they’ll show you how to transform your life – if you let them!

I know because I pay serious attention to my dreams. To me they’re not “just dreams.” They are post-cards from the Universe, messages from my higher self. Or beyond. 

Who wouldn’t listen to their dreams if they knew this?

Now, in hindsight it’s a no-brainer, but I realized something recently. And it really took me by surprise! I thought, WHY haven’t I seen this before?

What I hadn’t realized is that working with dreams has developed in me a kind of second-sense. I thought it was just a knack for noticing patterns. Either way, it has served me very well in my work as a hypnotherapist by helping me notice things going on in the background.

If I’m guiding a client through a process I’m always reading between the lines because I know … “what just happened” isn’t JUST what just happened.

When I’m the student in a classroom learning some new process or technique, I need to know “why?” If I don’t get the ‘why’ all the how-to falls out of my head three days after the course!

Okay, so I just don’t have that great a memory for process. But this way of perceiving things gives me ‘the why’. 

And when I get ‘the why’ I always know what to do next. Because it just makes sense.

Dream work has always been a spiritual practice for me. I love dream working. I love teaching dream working. I love working with other people’s dreams. And that was the epiphany. Dream working is my JOY!


But wait! Just getting that I then had to ask myself a question. 

“Self,” I said, “If dreams are my joy, why-oh-WHY am I doing hypnotherapy?”

And my Self answered, (as she always does), “Hypnotherapy IS dream work, dummy!”

Okay, so I added the ‘dummy’ part myself. But that’s when I knew I had to teach this stuff to other hypnotherapists. So they could use dream working to get better results, thereby raising the bar on their personal best. And, as a result, raise the bar on the profession.

As William Shatner would say, "Is that weird, or what?”  

Actually, not really. If you look to the Shamanic tradition you’ll find it makes perfect sense. They believed there are three kinds of dreams. Night dreams. Day dreams. And THIS dream! And as a hypnotherapist, I routinely work with all three!

So hypnotherapy really IS dream work!

Think about it! What do we do? We teach people how to use their minds to heal the dream they have been living (and sometimes it’s a real nightmare) so they can begin to live a better dream.

The dream they want.

The dream they really want. That allows them more freedom and joy.

So I’m going to embrace my joy. And do MORE of what brings me joy.

“I hope one day you will join me …” – John Lennon

How about ... May 2012 on Vancouver Island, BC?   
Dream working for hypnosis professionals.
  • Discover the WHY’s to regression hypnotherapy.(It just makes sense!)
  • Become a Dream Coach and Dream Healer.
  • Learn how you can make more money by teaching self-hypnosis and dream working classes.
  • Have a blast making new friends!
  • Discover how much you already DO know!
  • And how you can use it to be a better hypnotherapist!

September 12, 2011

If it sounds too good to be true ….

 I was first introduced to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in the early 90’s when I still owned the bookstore. To be honest, the guy really creeped me out but I figured I’d try to stay open. After all, he was a Master Practitioner! So I invited him to write about NLP in my monthly newsletter in hopes that I would learn some cool and awesome stuff he kept talking about.

Whatever his articles were about never made it past my blood-brain barrier.

I have since met various teachers of NLP and read numerous articles and books on NLP.  I have even attended live presentations at the convention. No matter what I tried, I still didn’t get it.

So I purchased a distance training program on NLP and enlisted a fellow hypnotist to be my practice partner. We sat down with notebooks, ready, willing, and eager to learn.

Until I switched on the DVD.

I think we made it through the first disk before completely losing interest. Okay, so at least now I know it’s not just me ….

Recently, I learned about a $97 NLP scholarship program being offered in California. And I thought to myself… “Maybe I should go to a live training...”

I know, I know. NINETY-SEVEN DOLLARS ?????

I had paid substantially more for the practitioner level distance training program. So it was a pretty fair assumption there was going to be an “upsell” factor. And, in truth, I was open to considering it.

After all, NLP was modeled after the works of three masters – Milton Erickson, Fritz Perls, and Virginia Satir. Fritz Perl’s approach to dream work awakened in me a passion for dream working over 25 years ago. In the nineties, one of my bookstore customers was a therapist who worked with Virginia Satir. She invited me to participate in a Satir Family Reconstruction – an experience I never forgot. And recently I completed the Level 1 training in Satir Transformational Therapy just so I could go to the source of “Parts Therapy.”

I had some unused Airmiles and a roommate to share accommodation costs. So by the time the smoke cleared, the actual cost of the course was still well under $1,000 for 4 ½ days.

So, what DO you get for $97?

The promoters got roughly 250 registrants. And a substantial opportunity to fill their advanced programs! All they had to do was dazzle us with their brilliance and we’d be signing up in droves!

What we got was a practitioner-level certification valued at $3,500. Awesome!

Day one was basic orientation. After being introduced to the trainers we learned about the organization, its mission, impressive credentials, programs, and requirements for certification.

The obvious question was, “So why only $97?” And the answer was given. “This is our way of giving back.”

Now THAT’s generosity!

The content and presentation was exceptionally well organized. The delivery was brisk and entertaining. There were plenty of breaks. And the live demonstrations were excellent.
Time given for practice techniques, however, was limited to brief exercises working with language patterns, lateral chunking, metaphors, sub-modalities, eye movement patterns, reframing and anchoring.

Which surprised me. With classes going from 9 am – 8 pm and only a one-hour lunch break, where did all the time go?

In a word - pitch.

Okay. We all expected the upsell to the master practitioner level. It just makes sense, right? But here’s the problem.

The first pitch was delivered WAY too early. By an assistant. And in an interesting way, new light was shed on the importance of first establishing rapport before delivering a suggestion to buy.

This initial blunder had far-reaching consequences as evidenced by the break-time chatter which could be summed up as simply this - “Where’s the beef?”

The problem was really one of timing. Failing to deliver sufficient content before introducing the advanced program resulted in increasing disdain with each subsequent pitch.

Oh, but there’s more. Let me tell you about the ‘guest speakers.’

The first was a publicist. Okay, clearly not part of the NLP training program. But who couldn’t benefit from learning about how to promote their healing business?

I don’t think it was such a good idea to tell us he’s being paid $120,000 a year for promoting this very provider of NLP trainings, but that’s just me. All I could think was ‘if that’s what it takes …  what hope do I have ?’

Still, it was a well-orchestrated presentation with solid, useful information, followed by … you guessed it …  “The Pitch. “

Is there a pattern here?
When the offer for a $5,000 marketing package was delivered, I was thinking about the difference between fresh oats and the kind of oats that have already been through the horse ….

But wait. There’s more. Let me tell you about the Australian!

It was day 3, right after lunch. Sleepy, dozy, take-a-nap time for those of us who were sleep-deprived from late nights. (We didn’t have dinner until 10 pm each night!) And in breezed this guy, with glossy spiked black hair, dressed all in black, with a gianormous android phone in hand. He immediately took to pacing back and forth in front of the audience, ranting about how he just got off the plane after a 15 hour flight all the way from Oz (I’m thinking, Dude! WAY too many espressos!), and how he didn’t even have a job … But he had found a way to make tons of money. With virtually no money. And absolutely no risk. And he was here to show all of us how we could, too.

Yup. He got some people’s attention. ‘Whazzat? Money for nothing?

A thought briefly flitted across my mind … This has to be a demonstration of NLP techniques. This guy CAN’T be for real!

As he moved into his presentation, showing slides of his home and family, I thought, Okay, I get it. Step one is building rapport. Clever! What next?

He lost me completely during the next 15 minutes. Turned out to be a presentation on internet stock trading. I kid you not.

It was all about ‘puts’ and ‘calls’...  Maybe that’s just how they talk Downunder. But seriously. I don’t give a rat’s patoot about trading on the stock market. I considered heading out to the pool until it was over. I just kept thinking this must be some disguised lesson on NLP.  It HAS to be!!! Besides, how much longer could this go on?

Wanna guess? Two hours.

Oh, the Pitch was magnificent! Following his buy-now-and-only-pay-$5,000-for-my-stellar-mentoring-program offer (wait, I thought he didn’t have a job ….) he held up a sheath of certificates.

Wait for it …

“I have 20 of these certificates.” He crowed. “The first 20 who decide to sign up today and get one of these certificates will get my personal number on this android phone. But I can only do that for the first 20.”

The stampede for the stage jolted me to wide-awake.

When the dust settled, two people remained off to one side. They hadn’t been fast enough to get their certificates. “That’s okay,” he crooned. “I’ll make an exception for you two.”

During the break that followed, a woman sat down at our table and sputtered, “I don’t know why I ran up there for a certificate! I don’t have $5,000!!!”

Okay. Maybe it actually WAS a demonstration! But 20 people coughed up five grande for a lesson in the art of persuasion!

Say ... can I interest you in a beautiful island just off the west coast of Canada? I can get you a really good deal!

My website is still under construction so if you haven't yet received your sample first three chapters of The Devil's Therapy: from Hypnosis to Healing just contact me by email: