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April 10, 2011

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

I admit it. I’m a bit of an information junkie. I can’t resist the temptation to check out various programs that are being offered.  I sign up for newsletters and weekly e-programs. And before long my head’s a-whirl with a lot of meaningless ‘krap.’ And I unsubscribe from everything.

Recently I stumbled upon some interesting questions, though.

This one got me thinking….

“What really annoys, irritates and grinds away at you regarding your idea/project/product/service? What about the subject really pisses you off?”[i]

Okay, there are pros and cons to everything in life but who doesn’t appreciate an invitation to gripe a little?

The object of the exercise is to identify the ‘grit in the oyster.’ What came to mind, as I pondered this question, was what it is that really irks me about my profession.

So here it is. CON #1:

Hypnosis schools that market certification as the easy ticket to a new, high-paying career. Dollar-driven hypnotherapy certification programs with too large or too small class sizes that ensure insufficient practice time and inadequate supervision.

And no post-graduate support system. You pays your money and it’s “sayonara”!

Add to this a plethora of CI’s with little-to-no actual experience in private practice and the profession has a formula for disaster.

“I’m a CH. Do you want fries with that?”

My first hypnosis certification course was with a local school located about an hour’s drive from my home. As the Fates would have it, another student who had signed up for the 4 week course, lived just a few blocks from my home. So we agreed to commute together and share costs.

For the next four weeks, Terry and I took turns driving to and from class. We became study buddies, reviewing course material and practicing together on weekends.

Terry was a dedicated and hard-working student who, in her eagerness to begin a new career as a Certified Hypnotherapist, had invested the last of her savings. She wanted it BAD!

Six months following graduation I found her clerking at a big-box retail store.

The truth is it takes more than a few weeks study to become a qualified hypnosis professional. It requires business acumen, marketing smarts, and years of study and practice to develop a successful practice – just like any profession.

Eleven years have passed since my first hypnosis certification and I have continued to study hypnosis and healing. Along the way I have been blessed to have some great teachers. And some not-so-great.  All taught me valuable lessons.

What does it take to be a PRO?

  1. Know your stuff. Cultivate a thorough understanding of the underlying theories and concepts that will support your client’s success.
  2. Develop expertise in using the tools. Immersing yourself in the practical application of whatever methods you utilize will build confidence and skill.
  3. Don’t believe everything you think. Continue to learn. Subscribe to journals. Join a forum. Attend classes, seminars, conferences. Remember - you don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Learning from other’s successes and failures will shorten your learning curve and save you $$$
  4. Walk your talk. Do your own work. Come from a place of experience and authenticity. And help raise the bar on our profession.


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