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March 6, 2011

The Great Lie

In the Tarot, the devil is an inversion of God. But still God. The devil represents the aspects of God within ourselves that we have rejected. As a result, they enslave us.
What we reject we fear. We then try to distance ourselves from it. If it’s not love, it’s not God. And if it’s not God, it cannot be real. It’s false evidence appearing real. F.E.A.R.
The devil has been called the Great liar. The Trickster. The Deceiver. The devil is fear itself. 
In the movie, ‘Far Away So Close,’ the angel Cassiel falls to earth where he meets a man who introduces himself as "Emit Flesti." Flesti spells out his name before proceeding to dupe the naive fallen angel with a parlour trick.
"E-M-I-T … F-L-E-S-T-I"
Read it backwards. T-I-M-E I-T-S-E-L-F. Temporality. 
The consciousness of mortality generates fear of death.
If God is Love then the devil is Fear. If God is Truth, then the devil is Liar. If God is Feeling Safe (Peace), then the devil is Reason for Fear (Anxiety). If God is Eternity, then the devil is Mortality.
One of the most ancient spiritual precepts[i] reminds us by asking, “Know ye not that ye are gods?”
Like Cassiel, we have gambled away our divine awareness for worldly trinkets. We have gotten lost in addiction. We have forgotten what we are - Eternal Beings.
Hermetic Law states, “That which is above is as that which is below. That which is within is as that which is without.” It’s all one. No separation. A harmonious flow.
The Sun was once representative of the masculine aspect of the godhead. The Moon was consort of the Sun, the feminine aspect. The goddess. The feeling nature.
And Emit Flesti suggests to Cassiel that there was once a golden “time” when heaven and earth were in harmony. When thinking and feeling were aligned. When mind and body were one.
But times have changed.

[i] Found in Hermetic texts as well as the Bible.

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